Germany tourist map
Tourist map of Germany with cities. Germany tourist map (Western Europe - Europe) to print. Germany tourist map (Western Europe - Europe) to download. Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Lower Saxony, Hamburg and Bremen are all located in the north of Germany, which is characterised by the North German Plain that covers nearly half of entire country. Although the land is pretty flat, this huge expanse offers a wealth of unique natural landscapes that are home to rare birds and other wildlife. The mile-long sandy beaches of the Baltic Sea are ideal to relax, while the North Sea retreats twice a day to give way to an extraordinary natural phenomenon: the Wadden Sea. Some of the country largest cities are also located in the north of Germany as its shown in Germany tourist map. With about 1.75 million inhabitants, Hamburg is Germany second largest city and has been an important sea port and economic centre since the Middle Ages. Bremen is another beautiful hanseatic city and a must-see when visiting northern Germany.
With an area of 70,550 km2 Bavaria is the largest German state as its mentioned in Germany tourist map. In contrast, the neighbouring state of Baden-Württemberg is just about half this size but not less popular a tourist destination. Munich and the Oktoberfest, the Neuschwanstein Castle and the Zugspitze have made Bavaria famous all over the world. All these sights are all located in Upper Bavaria, however, there is much more to discover in this state: The beautiful cities of Nuremberg or Regensburg, for instance, or the deep Bavarian Forest. The loveliest spots in Baden-Württemberg where to spend your Germany holiday are the Black Forest and Lake Constance. This lake actually consists of two separate lakes that are connected by a short river.
Similarly stunning cityscape views can be enjoyed from the Main Tower in Frankfurt and the south tower of the Cologne Cathedral as you can see in Germany tourist map. With a height of 200 metres, the Main Tower in downtown Frankfurt is one of Germany highest buildings and the city only office building with public viewing platforms. Of course, you do not need to walk all the way up to the platforms – Germany fastest lifts take you there within a few seconds. Unfortunately, such a service is not offered by the Cologne cathedral and you will have to endure all the 533 steps on foot in order to reach the viewing platform at a height of about 97 metres.